Tache Cattery
262-388-6412  meow@underfootbengals.com   I started raising Bengals in 2010. I took a couple of years off to take care of my dad.   Now I am back. Raising kittens is hard. It isn't always a glorious job. There is a lot of heart break when things go wrong. But when things go right, it's wonderful. It's a joy to see kittens go to their new homes. The smiles of the new "parents" as they receive their new "Ruler", I mean "child."  No Ruler. Bengals Rule. Beware. And enjoy every minute of it.    I started writing books in 2010. There seems to be a connection with that date, and there is. One of my Bengal pets, Tache was his name, sat me down and told me a story. That is the beginning of the The Spotted series. Later, I decided to enter the adult arena and started the murder mysteries. I love strong female characters with a twist. I also offer to any prospective kitten buyer, the option for a discount. Buy and read one of the books, then leave me a review on Amazon, and I will take $50 off the kitten price.
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